
Nelson Mandela and Freedom Day

Today the world celebrates Freedom day and respectfully worships its icon, Holy Nelson Mandela.

The moral lesson in the global Mandela-mania is, of course, that before Mandela became president of South Africa nobody was free, except for the minority White racists (who all hated Blacks and exploited them endlessly). After the second coming of Mandela that all changed and now everybody is free so logically we should all celebrate Freedom Day.
We are saved. Hallelujah !
Holy Nelson has entered the lofty ranks of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Jesus Christ and mere mortals such as ourselves should all genuflect and be grateful (and ashamed to be White... especially if you are a South African White.)

Just in case my subtle sarcasm escaped notice, it should in all honesty be stated that this blog has a different perspective on Holy Nelson and what constitutes "freedom".

Propaganda has it that the entire South African debacle was White-Black conflict caused by the Whites and their hateful Apartheid racist policies that impoverished the poor downtrodden Black majority.

Truth, so it goes, looks different when observed from different angles, at different times.
I, the author of this blog, was in the army during those Apartheid years. Three years I spent in the South African army, dedicated to fighting communists who were infiltrating our country's borders. The Soviet Union  supplied neighbouring countries such as Angola and Mozambique with military hardware. Black recruits were trained in Russia, East Germany and other communist states.
White South African soldiers fought alongside Black volunteers who also desired to prevent a communist takeover of South Africa. We had all seen the terrible consequences of communism in Africa and had no desire to see it repeated in South Africa.

The astute reader will by now have picked up that the political situation was not a simplistic White vs Black problem. The majority of the Black population had no desire to embrace communism, as did the majority of Whites. Some Blacks and some Whites, however, supported Communism and embraced the ANC as the logical vehicle to implement communism.

"Long live the Cuban Revolution. Long live comrade Fidel Castro" - Nelson Mandela

This implies that the ANC first had to persuade the peaceful, uninvolved Black population to support its cause. At last we are full circle back to Holy Nelson Mandela, who had co-created the terrorist organisation Mkhonto we Sizwe (MK).
During the Rivonia trials Mandela and his co-accused faced charges of sabotage, including deeds of sabotage, committing of illegal deeds, canvassing persons for training in warfare, manufacture and use of explosives with the aim to commit violence and cause destruction (altogether 153 acts of violence were listed) and conspiracy to engage in guerrilla-warfare with the aid of foreign armies.  Plans included the manufacture of 48 000 land mines and large quantities of hand grenades, pipe, petrol and bottle bombs.   These were to be unscrupulously applied; camouflaged in the most innocent packages like fruit boxes, coffee and jam tins and placed in soft spots like footpaths and entrances to gardens, with the aim to achieve maximum deaths, maiming and destruction.

These weapons were ultimately used in terror attacks where mainly Black people were killed or mutilated.
The most terrible intimidation against Black people was the "Necklace" murder, whereby a (non-ANC, invariably Black) victim was bound with a car tyre around his neck, doused with a flammable liquid (Diesel or oil burns longer and better than petrol) and set alight as a warning to others who opposed the ANC.

The child above (Black) was a "necklace" victim. This intimidation was wildly successful and the ANC top brass encouraged the practice, including Mandela's then wife, Winnie Mandela.

"With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country" - Winnie Mandela.

So much for Mandela the man of "Peace"
Rather we should today be remembering Mandela the violent communist rabble-rouser.

Church street bomb carnage - Nelson Mandela created the terrorist group called "Mkhonto we sizwe" (MK for short). MK murdered far more black people than white, and far more civilians than police or military, as in the Church street bomb shown above.

Holy Nelson's last act of overt violence came long after his release from prison, when he was already de-facto in charge of the political process and working from within parliament.

This child was an ANC landmine victim.
Smuggling in thousands of landmines was a Mandela initiative.

Zulus opposed to the ANC organised a protest march outside ANC headquarters "Shell House". Zulu tempers were aroused because more than 300 Zulu leaders had been assassinated by the ANC in the runup to the "free" elections.
Shell house was locked down. There were no windows at ground floor level and doors were bolted and protected by armed security guards. There was no conceivable danger to ANC personnel inside.

Nelson Mandela personally gave the order to "Shoot To Kill", as he freely admitted in parliament.
From windows high above the marching Zulus, the ANC "ex-terrorists" opened fire on the Zulu crowd below. This became known as the "Shell House Massacre", as ordered by that paragon of peace, Holy Nelson Mandela.
Wikipedia mentions the massacre in a subdued article as follows:

  • "ANC security guards opened fire, killing nineteen people. At the time, guards claimed that the IFP supporters were storming the building, or that they had received a tip-off that this was planned. The Nugent Commission of Inquiry into the killings rejected this explanation. The commission's conclusion was that the shooting by ANC guards was unjustified.
  • This incident reflected the rising tensions between the ANC and IFP, which had begun in the 1980s in KwaZulu-Natal and had then spread to other provinces in the 1990s. The IFP claimed that the ANC was intent on undermining traditional authorities and the power of Zulu Chiefs; the ANC saw it as a power struggle as the demise of apartheid was finalised"


The above cartoon is based on the fact that Mandela, when President of South Africa, was not permitted to enter the United States as they had declared him a terrorist. Amnesty International had done the same.


The following comment is from a neutral website:
"So there we have it. Mandela. Blew up a few buildings, went to prison for years, came out and destroyed his country's economy. Quite a record. Ironically, he was probably responsible for more deaths through his disastrous stewardship of the economy than Umkhonto we Sizwe ever managed to knock off during the armed struggle."

Apartheid existed in various forms throughout human history. The first "Blacks Keep Out" signs were drawn in hieroglyphics along Egypt's southern border with the Nubians (Blacks).
By the latter half of the twentieth century any fool could see that this would change. South Africa took a little longer than the USA to change and this provided the SA Communist Party with the edge it required. It also bestowed the convicted terrorist, Nelson Mandela, with de-facto sainthood.
Holy Nelson  has now receivedover 250 awards, including the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize, the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Soviet Order of Lenin.

Meanwhile back in South Africa poverty and unemployment have skyrocketed. The corrupt ANC leadership have become rich beyond their dreams while more than a million Whites have fled the country. Thousands of White farmers have been tortured and murdered while Mandela and the ANC smugly claiom that their revolution song: "Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer" is not racist and does not condone violence against Whites.

Perhaps it is better that Mandela personally close the subject in this YouTube video:

Pardon us cynics if we do not celebrate Freedom Day. We have had more freedom than we can stand.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hi Russell,

      Very well, this time I will leave your comment as is so that people may see why I removed your previous post.

      Its not that I disagree with your sentiments.
      Thousands of SA White farmers have been tortured and murdered by thugs, some chanting "Viva Mandela" while they set their victims alight. I understand and share your anger and frustration.

      However, your approach is self-defeating because you come in shouting terms that are illegal in this and other countries; word that can get this blog thrown off the blogspot server for breaching its terms and conditions.

      Do you really believe that insulting anyone will assist your cause in any way?
      Why do you comment in such an illegal way that begs to get this blog destroyed Russel?

      Please point your gun elsewhere. I am not your enemy.

      Yours sincerely,

  2. This would a fantastic follow up to a blog I posted a few days ago... mind if I reblog with the appropriate citation and thanks?

    1. Thank you for asking.
      You are most welcome to use this material in your blog.

  3. Thanks a million. http://youhavetoaskwhy.blogspot.com/2013/04/nelson-mandela-and-freedom-day.html

  4. John - I do not consider you to be my enemy. I just believe in Freedom of Speech. Once Freedom of Speech goes then all other rights and any form of representative government become a past idea divorced from reality. The bottom line is that negro's to use a politically correct term are simply Beast Animals of the Field. See Gen 1:25 to see when they were created. If you are afraid of be in deleted by your ISP then you need to get anISP in the Phillipines or some other country.

    When white South Africans voted in 1993 to give the K's the vote, they voted for the destruction of their society. May god almighty curse everyone of them. russ walker

  5. Well said.
    I agree totally about the deeds of Mandela & Co., I think the economic destruction picked up momentum after his retirement. During Mandela's time as president, SA was in a honey moon face, the world looked upon SA as a "miracle". The miracle faded away, especially when the last president took over. Before 94, I remembered Bishop Tutu said, that he did not know why the whites are so afraid. "They have nothing to loose", he said. Lately, he said that the anc is not the party he fought or all his life.
    It is time to forget about the "you can not turn against your father(the ANC) syndrome and start looking at facts, such as municipalities and services falling apart, corruption in govt. , crime out of hand, sars stealing people's money, Gupta, Zuma's friend using military facilities for private, etc.. etc. The list is endless.
    And once again, the anc will, before the next election, tell the masses about houses they built (for which you and I the taxpayer, pays), the bright future that awaits them and keep on blaming apartheid and the whites for all the anc's short comings. The longer the anc can be in power, the longer they can benefit from corruption. So they will fight tooth and nail to stay in power. Fortunately, the anc is not so popular anymore, and hopefully a caring govt. can be in place within a few years.

    SA has so much potential - why the anc wastes it away, is beyond me.

  6. Cool blog, keep up the good work John. The truth must out and I too have had enough 'freedom' to last a few lifetimes.
